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The Benefits of Educational Video Games

The Benefits of Educational Video Games

The potential of educational video games

The best way to learn and evolve is to live our own experiences and explore the world around us. Educational video games are a tool specially made to foster child development, and that is why in this article we are going to talk about the benefits of educational video games.

Preparing children for the real world

Today, there are a large number of simulation video games and Virtual Reality (VR) video games. These games try to reproduce real situations and elements in a 3D virtual world where children meet objectives, explore, and beat levels. This allows children to develop in a world where they can safely experiment, evolve and learn from their mistakes.

Make learning fun

Another benefit of educational video games is that they allow children to learn in a fun way. Indeed, they introduce playful elements that motivate children with a series of objectives that gradually increase in difficulty, keeping the children focused thanks to a reward system when reaching the objectives. Children learn without realizing it, and while having fun.

Develop social skills

Educational video games are not just for a single player, they provide a platform in which children can interact and collaborate with each other to achieve a common goal. This develops their ability to work as a team in the game and fulfill their common interests.

Introducing new skills

Another way video games help prepare children for the real world is by gradually introducing new skills and strengthening the skills they already have. These can be relevant skills in the school environment, but also beneficial in their personal development.

Improving memory and problem solving

Some video games focus on the repetition of patterns of colors, sounds, or images to improve children’s memory in a playful way. Simon Memorize, based on the popular Simon Says, encourages concentration, reactivity, and memory in children, while Labyrinth Adventures encourages them to try and find the right patterns to escape and get to the other side of the maze.

Introducing new technologies

Scientists estimate that 90% of the professions that will exist in the next 20 years will be based on new technologies, and we cannot even imagine what they will consist of. Video games allow children to be introduced to these new technologies from an early age thanks to Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, but also with games like Selfie Stickers that teach them to modify their own photos using the options provided by an online program.

Encouraging creativity

As we have said, the benefits of educational video games are not limited only to the school environment. At Kidmons, we have video games that focus on the development of children’s creativity and that allow them to express themselves freely. In Paint Online, for example, children have a series of different brushes with which to experiment to give free rein to their creativity. Coloring Book, on the other hand, features a large number of illustrations that introduce children to new animals, different professions, and much more.

Teaching responsibility

Educational video games are also a perfect tool to teach responsibility. Has your little one already asked you to have their own dog or maybe a cat? Kitten Pet Carer is the ideal game to make you aware of the responsibilities that come with adopting a pet and to make sure that you are ready to take care of it before taking the plunge and gifting them a real fur ball.

Equal opportunity thanks to video games

Education is a child’s right, but unfortunately, the quality of the education they receive often depends on their origin and social background. Another of the benefits of educational video games is that they allow us to overcome these conditions to offer equal opportunities for all children.

Learning accessibility

Every child is different and lives in a different situation. Thanks to free platforms like Kidmons, children can access a wide selection of educational video games as soon as they have Internet access. This allows children who cannot physically go to school, to learn and develop their abilities freely.

An experience tailored for each child

In the same way that children come from different backgrounds, each of them also has their own way of learning. An advantage that educational video games have is that they have the ability to adapt to each child, modifying the difficulty of the levels according to the child’s progress and gradually increasing their complexity. This means that children do not feel discouraged when they fail to meet an objective, and that the video game continues to be adapted to their level of skills.

Immediate feedback

Many educational video games, in addition to their adaptability, provide us with direct feedback that stipulates which are the strengths and points to improve in each child. Such information is beneficial to children as it helps them assess their own abilities, and to their parents and teachers so that they know how their children can improve.


Educational video games are a fun and diverse way to educate young people. They have incredible potential to prepare them for the real world and allow them to evolve in a safe and controlled environment where they can experiment and discover new things while having fun.

There are several types of games that strengthen and introduce new skills to children and, in addition, the benefits of educational video games are not limited to the child alone, since they contribute to making education more accessible to all and teach us how we, as parents and teachers, can improve our education tactics.