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Video Games in Child Development

Video Games in Child Development

Today, video games have become a source of entertainment for young people and there is much debate about the influence they can have on children. Addiction or behavioral problems due to exposure to video games is an issue among society, but these are only extreme cases due to intense and unrestricted use. In this article, we will talk about video games in child development and the positive impact they have when used responsibly, and titles are chosen appropriately for their age.

Shaping personal identity

When we play a video game, we find ourselves immersed in a fictional reality with its own universe, limits, and rules. These fictional worlds are a safe environment in which children can freely explore and experiment, helping them create their own identities.

Simulation games

Today, with the evolution of technology, more and more games are created in Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) and aim to create a 3D world that is as true to reality as possible. As we have said before, simulation of reality allows children to evolve in realistic situations in which they can safely experiment. Including video games in child development allow children to make decisions without suffering any negative consequences for their mistakes, which encourages them to continue being themselves instead of hiding and adapting for fear of making a mistake and disappointing others. When they achieve a goal, children feel more valued, which fosters their confidence in their own abilities. If you want to know more about simulation video games and their potential, you can take a look.

Discovering a passion

There are video games on almost every topic we can imagine. From construction video games to adventure, sports, or art games, there is everything! That variety can be beneficial to children as it allows them to explore new concepts and explore their passions. A game like Paint Online, for example, allows children to give free rein to their creativity and express themselves through art. Piano Online, on the other hand, can spark your little one’s musical curiosity and interest. Video games can really change the lives of children, as you can see in this article you can find here.

Develop social skills

The purpose of using video games in child development is not limited to discovering their own interests, it also helps children prepare for the real world and develop their social skills.


In real life, in the work environment, we need to know how to collaborate with other people to carry out our tasks. What if we told you that video games in child development foster teamwork? Well, it’s true! There are many video games in which players must work as a team to complete a list of objectives and achieve victory. This type of game allows to develop children’s communication skills and encourages them to collaborate with each other in a healthy and clear way. The potential of video games has no limits!

Create strong relationships

When we work and evolve with others, we must learn to trust our partners and be ready to help them when they need it. Multiplayer games not only encourage teamwork, but also encourage strong relationships between players based on mutual respect, similar interests, or just having fun together. Whether playing with friends or siblings, kids will come out of their social play session stronger than ever.

Educational Video Games

Often when we think of video games, we think of a distraction, but that’s a misconception. Indeed, in recent years, the number of educational video games created has increased tremendously. It is a type of game specially developed to teach children many different things.

Solve problems and make decisions

In video games, players often have to solve a series of puzzles to progress through the game. These puzzles increase in difficulty as you continue playing. Therefore, children do not feel discouraged at the beginning, but also have a challenging enough ending for them. Games encourage reflection, quick decision-making, and logical thinking in an accessible and interactive way, allowing children to learn while having fun.

Discover new things

Thanks to their playful and fun aspect, video games are ideal for teaching children new things, including subjects like mathematics, foreign languages, and more. As we mentioned before, because they are having fun and having a good time, children do not even realize that they are learning. Thus, video games become the perfect tool to teach children concepts and allow them to discover the world, leading to open-mindedness.


Video games can be a very useful tool in child development. They allow young people to shape their own identity by exploring their interests, develop social skills by collaborating with other players, and learn and improve by discovering new things. When including video games in child development, there really is no limit to how much children can evolve and progress.