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Videogames for children: How to use them in a productive way?

Videogames for children: How to use them in a productive way?

Some people see it as a negative thing to give a videogame to children, however, when well used, these resources are excellent allies for a child’s development and learning. This is because several skills are stimulated through the right games.

Therefore, parents need to be vigilant and advise their children so that they can only have contact with games that can and will bring them advantages.

In this post we will talk a little about how videogames can be important and help in the development of little ones and what benefits they provide when used in the right way. So, in the following, you will discover other ways to help your child to explore and achieve their full potential.

The evolution of videogames

When they were first launched, the focus of videogames was to provide entertainment. They were programmes with very simple graphics, as were the objectives and challenges, but this has changed a lot over time.

As technology advanced with computing and the digital world, games became more and more modern and well elaborated. Now to win, it is no longer enough to have attention and motor skills coordination, it is also necessary to strategize and have logical reasoning, as well as a lot of dexterity.

Although the focus is still on entertaining people of all ages, there are video games that are launched with the aim of stimulating skills and promoting learning. Like the games on Kidmons, in a playful and interactive way, they enable children to develop their potential in a natural way.

With very colourful graphics, landscapes close to reality, diversified and complex controls and even the possibility of choosing the ending, today videogames are a very rich resource that can be exploited in a more comprehensive way than just to pass the time.

Videogames impact infant development

Children’s development is not only physical, as it is also fundamental that cognitive skills are stimulated. All this so that the child can coordinate their own thoughts, expose them in a logical way to the world and even interact with it in a healthier and more complete way. For this to happen, the child must have contact with resources which help stimulate their brain to create increasingly complex connections. These are what enable thinking and reasoning to find different ways to solve problems.

Therefore, video games for children are beneficial and contribute to the development and acquisition of knowledge. The great wealth of detail they currently bring, in addition to all their script and programming, is what makes it possible to achieve these results. That is why video games are no longer seen as a waste of time and are now used even in schools to promote learning. However, it is important to point out that it is not just any game, since not all of them achieve this goal or are appropriate for little ones.

Although they can all contribute in a positive way, it is interesting to choose those that have been designed with a focus on stimulating some competence in the child, so that they can make the most of the potential of video games for their own benefit.

We must not forget that some of them are aimed at an adult audience, due to their content. Therefore, to take advantage of games in a productive way, it is fundamental that they are always chosen based on what they are intended to stimulate in the child, which is in fact advantageous and appropriate for their age.

The benefits of videogames in children

The great advantage of using video games for children is that the new generations were born into a digital world. Therefore, the more traditional ways of acquiring knowledge are not always attractive or stimulating for them. Therefore, games help parents and educators to stimulate the skills of little ones, to promote the development of their reasoning and to help them acquire knowledge. After all, there are several games on the market that are very educational and focus on academic and cultural training.

Video games for children are an excellent way for parents to get closer to them. At that moment it is possible to develop interaction so that those responsible educate their little ones at the same time as they are having fun with them.

There are games that are specific for language learning, but this is also possible through others that do not have this focus. After all, for the child to be able to interact with the game they need to understand what is being said, so by keeping the setting in the language that is intended to be taught, they assimilate information in a natural way.

Games also allow them to develop their visual coordination. This is because different information is transmitted simultaneously and the little one needs to capture it through their eyes, interpret it and carry out a certain action.

As already mentioned, digital games require a certain strategy to solve the problems. In addition to challenging motor skill coordination, they do the same with the mind, and it is in this way that the child can create the connections we mentioned, finding different ways to solve the challenges that arise.

This is why parents need not be afraid or fearful of video games for children. In fact, it is very interesting to know how to manage this resource to use it to your advantage in the education of the little ones. Games like Simon Memorize or Puzzle 4 Kids that you can find at Kidmons are an excellent alternative for them to be able to explore their potential and get to know their own skills better.